Monday, September 19, 2011

Lune-y Lundi

Happy Monday (Lundi)!

Time -- or the need to manage it, account for it, etc. -- is probably the thing that drives me looniest.  So I've decided to launch Lune-y Lundi with a spate of Lunes I've written about Time.

FYI: A Lune is a three-line poem.  That is it's only similarity to the traditional Haiku.

The Haiku has a syllable count for each line and a reference to nature is required; purists prefer that each line of a Haiku also be a complete thought.

The only rule that applies to the original Lune style -- attributed to Robert Kelly -- is a syllable count: 5/3/5 (it gives the poem a shape like a cresent moon -- or "lune" shape).  Then along came Jack Collom, who devised another Lune style that doesn't count syllables per line at all, but words per line instead: 3/5/3.  So Collum's Lune is usually half-moon shaped, sort of.

So now for timely Lune-acy...

A Kelly style Lune:

The long of it: sun
to sun; short
of it: nano-secs.

Some Collom Lunes:

Time is not
on my side -- time is
on my back.

"Not from here!"
the islander laughed, pointing at
my wrist watch.

Nuclear clocks -- ack!
Give me Plautus' confounded day
hacking shadow caster!

About that reference to my man Plautus.  He wrote a great piece about time around 200 BCE.  Managing time must have been grating on his nerves as much as it does on mine, because he wrote:

"The gods confound the man
     who found out
How to distinguish hours!
     Confound him, too
Who in this place set up a
To cut and hack my days
     so wretchedly
Into small portions."

What he said!

I guess I'm hoping this Lune-acy will become contagious so that I'll have fellow Lune-atics to share my Lune-y bin with!  Am I getting on anyone's nerves? Well, write about it -- in the comment box below!  Post your own Lune!  Suggest a topic for next Monday, suggest improvements to the blog or my Lunes....puhleez do!  And have a luvly Lundi!

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